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"Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions.

Your generous donation will fund our mission."


The Primum Non Nocere Foundation, Inc is a grassroots effort to assist and help EMS providers in times of illness, injury and despair. We can always use monetary donations as well as gift cards which allow us to assist others the way we do. More importantly is asking our supporters to let everyone know about our organization and what we do for the EMS community. Join our email/contact list, post our updates on your Face Book feeds and invite your friends and families in supporting us as well.

Some of Our Testimonials

March 10, 2023
We are also currently assisting another Emergency Medical Technicians from SI New York. She was injured when her ambulance was hit and turned over by a driver running a red light. We are assisting her and her family with enough groceries and household items to keep them good until she can return to work in April.
March 10, 2023
In February we received a request to check on a NYC Emergency Medical Technician that was injured in the line of duty last year and is having a hard time. This EMT was shot by a patient in the back of his ambulance while attempting to transport him to the hospital. Eight months later and the EMT is still having neurological issues with his arm, shoulder and suffering from PTSD. He is now having issues with workers comp as they are looking to decrease his payments. The EMT is also taking care of his mother who is fighting through her own medical issues. We were able to pay $550 towards their utilities to make sure they had no disruptions through the NYC winter.
March 10, 2023
In January we received information that an Emergency Medical Technician from North Carolina was in need of our assistance. He has been out of work for the past couple of months due to severe side effects from COVID. He is currently in the rears with utilities and upcoming rent pending with no relief in sight. We were able to assist him with paying his January 2023 rent and continue emotional support as he continues to heal and navigate through workers comp and disability insurance.
March 9, 2023
Hi Louis, Thank you so much for everything around the holidays. Here is the thank you note for the website if you would like to post it. It really meant a lot to me and my family. The Primum non Nocere Foundation has been so wonderful to my family and me. They knew we were in need around the holiday season and immediately asked to help in any way they could. They kindly blessed us with food to get us through the holiday season. I am lucky to be a member of this community. They are doing wonderful work and I want to make sure their good work gets the recognition it deserves! Thanks for everything. KS and family
September 19, 2022
Received a Generous donation from members of the Knights of Columbus-Old Bohemia Council in Delaware with the help of a good friend Patrick. Thank you for the support both yourself and your fellow Knights continue to give Primum Non Nocere Foundation.
September 19, 2022
What Blessing! I cannot even put my feelings into words not 2 days after finding out about Mitch I've been in constant contact with Luis. Our EMS family is blessed to have this wonderful human being and this organization to help in times of need. God Bless and watch over you all!
September 19, 2022
Earlier this month we received word that our friend and founder of "Start Em Early" Foundation Erik had a very bad accident and suffered full thickness/3rd degree b urns to both legs and hand. To help him and his family while he heals we "Filled the Fridge" and shelves with a good amount of food via Amazon Smile and will be paying their utilities for September.
June 28, 2022
A BIG Shout Out!
June 28, 2022
Teri Hamilton: I can't THANK YOU ENOUGH!
June 28, 2022
Received this Via FedEx this morning from EMS Chances/EMS Everything LLC

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